  • Represented a major Moscow publishing company in a case against a website.

As a result of the performed work, a settlement agreement was concluded, according to which the publisher recovered of the amount claimed.

  • In order to protect the rights of users of software products and to prevent the supply of unlicensed software including to the government agencies, there is an ongoing work on creating awareness of technical risks relating to the use of unlicensed software products and verification of supplied products.

The firm received 134 requests for assistance in verification of supplied software in 2021. More than 5900 Microsoft licenses for the total amount of more than 900 thousand US dollars were re-supplied through the authorized distributors. The clients were assisted in court proceedings, which were ruled in their favor, as it was proved that the supplied software did not comply with the licensed software. In 2021 at least 3 suppliers were included in the register of malicious suppliers.

  • A rights-holder company, specialising in educational programs

Made use of our recommendations and was able to set up a business process in Russia so that training was conducted only in specialized and authorized training centers using the original educational manuals. After the investigation had been carried out the revenue doubled in the next fiscal year.

  • At the request of a German car company,

We monitored the Internet and the most visited car marketplaces and stores located in ten major Russian cities, as a result of which we discovered that original, but previously used (repaired) spare parts were on sale, the use of which could have caused accidents while driving a car. As a result of the police raid, the above mentioned illegal trade and production were stopped.

  • During the course of implementation of anti-unlicensed software of one of the world right-holders in Russia and CIS countries,

Violations of the right holder's rights were stopped, which led to a purchase of licensed software products in the sum of over 3 million Euro in 2021.